Later last night the misty rain creates a 180 degree rainbow that lasted for an hour. Was Awesome!
Today we woke to overcast and drizzly rain, which we hope will clear up in the next hour.
Weighing anchor we headed south to Midland, ONT and Bay Port Marina. Bay Port Marina is one of three large marinas in the area. You can tell that boating is quite popular here!
Noticed that one flag was flying the banner for the Buccaneers!
Midland began as a trading town, first fur and lumber, the later grain. Today the granary silos on the waterfront are covered in murals that depict the history of the town. This mural theme is carried through to the downtown area also. The town also sports three very large marinas that do boat repair and servicing, as well as winter storage of boats for the larger boats. Midland is a big town with a population of 16,000, similar in size to Peterborough. Most of the other towns we visited so far are much smaller.
As you can see in the pics below, homes cover the shore line along the bay to the city of Midland.
Enjoyed meeting our boat neighbors, as we tackled tasks to get ready for our son’s visit on Thursday. I cleaned the boat and did grocery lists and laundry. Bill changed the oil in the engines and filled the water tanks, and pumped out the waste water.
All the things you have to do periodically to keep the boat in shape.
June 28-29. Lay days in Midland
Today we helped a few Canadians get off for their long weekend. July 1 is Canada’s Independence Day. Will be interesting to see how they celebrate. The local fliers posted in the marina describe the holiday as picnics, boating and family games.
For us, we will get grocery shopping done and finish up our chores today. Even got the screens up in the doors, so we can leave them open with this beautiful weather and keep those pesky flies and mosquitos out. With those chores accomplished, the boat is now presentable and we have food for our guests! Bill even found time to stow some of his supplies. It may be the end of the trip before he gets it all stowed!
Tomorrow we will pick Kyle up at the airport. Wish us luck getting in and out of Toronto! The locals warn us that traffic is terrific.
My postings in the next few days may be more sporadic as we have family on board. Once Kyle leaves, my sister, Kathy and her husband, Dick join us. Will be hectic but fun!