We left Covered Portage with No Agenda and Escape on this cloudy cool morning, which promises to be another sunny. We are in sweat shirt and windbreakers and it is July 29!
Following the Landsdowne Channel, we pass a series of rocks and larger islands to turn around Badgeley Point and cross Frazier Bay.
On the way we passed a mining operation which trees have almost over grown. Being a Saturday no mining was going on. Looks as if gravel was the product of this operation.
A few miles further we past another Hole in the Wall between Creak Island and Frazier Point. Much too shallow for us to try to go through.
North Channel has CruiserNet which broadcasts over the Marine radio at 9:00 each morning. The host shares weather and news from the area and asks boaters in the area to call in and give their boat name and location. Boaters also ask questions and get info about North Channel. This is a great resource for us boater in unfamiliar waters.
Finishing our short cruise through Frazier Bay, we turn into Baie Fine. Baie Fine is a 9 mile narrow fjord with white granite cliffs that rise up to 300 feet above the water.
Towards the end of the fjord, we need to weave through the small rocky island to get to the even narrower channel that leads to The Pool, the furthest point in the fjord.
We slowed down as their are no navigational marks and followed the deep water real slowly. No Agenda followed us in, past the cliffs of white granite still over 300 feet tall.
The Pool goes past the Evinrude family lodge and turns though two rocky islands into a basin.
Here we join 6 other boats in this beautiful anchorage.
After lunch we take off in the dinghy to hike up to Topaz Lake. Jody and Mike joined us as we trekked through the up hill trail to what we thought was Topaz Lake. We passed some campers who told us we were close to Three Narrows Lake. Well we continued up to the Three Narrows Lake and took in the view.
On the way we passed a rusted out Jeep and Bill had to try it out- after making sure no critters were inhabiting the vehicle also.
We headed back down the trail and found the turned we missed to lead us to Lake Topaz. Our up hill trek was rewarded by a spectacular view of the lake.
We had several girls from a nearby camp join us at the lake and they were dressed to jump right in, along with some fellows and two other hikers. Bill decided to go down to the lake and try his hand at jumping off the 18 foot cliff into the water. of course he chose the higher jump off point! His jump inspired the girls to try it also.