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Day 123-125. September 23-25. On to Lake Dalecarlia, the Sundstrom family lake house. no miles, we drove

 Woke to a beautiful day to finish packing before Mike, Bill's cousin picks us up to go to the family lake house on Lake Dalecarlia that has been in the family for over two generations.  

After stowing the engine oil, Mike got for us, we headed out, driving south for 30 minutes and  arriving at the lake house. Collecting our stuff from the car, we headed inside to be greeted by the cousins (Mike and Karen, Ron, and Adam) and we all took our places in the rockers on the back porch to enjoy the lake and to boat watch.  Then the old stories of growing up on the lake began- lubricated by a beer or two the stories got longer!!  When a friend, Glen, who grew up with the cousins joined us,  the stories continued and expanded!

Newt provided much love and playfulness to the day.

Next we all took a pontoon boat ride around Lake Dalecarlia which is one mile long and has about 5 miles of shoreline- lots of long fingers on this lake.  During the boat ride, we learned about who still lives on the lake and the stories and memories continued.  Was fun hearing all the old tales with each cousin offering their own version.  Bill liked seeing the cottage his parents originally owned and the houses that his Dad and Uncle purchased later on.

After the boat ride, we had delicious dinner thanks to Karen, Glenn's wife, Linda, and Ron and his burgers.  Of course, the stories and catching up with each other continued.  

September 24.  Visiting at the Lake House at Lake Dalecarlia

Woke to a cool beautiful sunny day and returned to the back porch and the memories and stories started again.

Bill and Ron took a kayak ride around the lake and then Mike took Bill to get a warmer coat.  Bill does like being cold! 

Another friend from growing up, Linda, joined us on the back porch.  You can guess what came next, the stories went on.

Next we went on the another pontoon ride.

After the boat ride Bill took a few drone shots.  This one was the best, but it was too long for the blog so you must click the link below.

 Then we had another wonderful dinner with much teasing and story telling.  

September 25.  Leaving Lake Dalecarlia and returning to Hammond Marina

Our last mornning at the lake was filled with sharing pictures, old and new, as well as, sharing family stories.  We said good bye to Ron early on.  The rest of the gang went to an early lunch at a local restaurant Tastee Top Grill which the cousins went to as kids.  We ate tacos and sloppy joes and each had a sundae or shake or malt.  Must admit we had fun and were quite full after that meal!

After the meal, we returned to the lake house and packed up and said our good byes.  Is always bittersweet to say good bye to those who we grew up with us.  Thanks Mike and Karen for hosting us! 

Mike drove us back to the marina in Hammond with a stop at a bank and grocery store. Thanks, you were the best taxi ever!  Hope your GPS was cooperative and got you back home without too much fuss!

Returning to the boat, we unpacked and put groceries away.  Then we went about our chores and caught up on the blog.  Had a simple dinner and visited with some other boaters before hitting the sack.

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